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     Panketal, Brandenburg  18.Jan.2025

PowerBASIC HQ BBS Projects

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Germany's greatest PowerBASIC Archiv
24h Online


Übersicht der Fileareas:

PB/DOS: PBSOUND (Sound Blaster)
PB : Sound Blaster
PB/DOS: Sources
PB/DOS: Sources (Germany)
PB/DOS: Graphics
PB/DOS: Graphics (Germany)
PB/DOS: DFÜ, BBS & FidoNet Sourcen
PB/DOS: Tools & Toolkits
PB/DOS: Tools & Toolkits (Germany)
PB/DOS: allgemeine Pakete & Info's
PB/DOS: Demos
PB/CC : Sources
PB/CC : Tools & Toolkits
PB/WIN: Tools & Toolkits
PB/WIN: Sources
PB/WIN: Graphics
PB/WIN: Demos
PB/WIN: allgemeine Pakete & Info's
PB/WIN: Internet (Sourcen & Tools)
PB: Algorithm
PB: Informations
PB: POFFS (PB Offline forum search)
Programmierung: Assembler
Programmierung: BASIC (QB/PDS)
Programmierung: Dokumentationen

komplette PowerBASIC Fileliste (65k) / complete PowerBASIC filelist (65k)


Special offer for German, Dutch, European and all other programmers using PowerBasic for DOS and/or PowerBASIC for Windows! We're pleased to give you the opportunity to advertize your sources, projects or toolboxes in either our filebase or on our web servers. It's also possible to utilize the IRC-service and the news server in order to support any of your PowerBASIC projects.

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www.pbhq.de © Thomas Gohel 2004-2018